This is an English translation of Kimiko Nezu's 'going to work under suspension' journal. Kimiko Nezu, a Tokyo school teacher has been suspended from work for the duration of 1, 3, and 6 months for the reason that she did not stand for the national anthem during school ceremonies. During suspension, she still went to the school gate to let the school community know what was going on, and kept this journal. For more background information, please read here.
For Kimiko Nezu's message, please read here.
The Letters from Los Angels Country Federation of Labor
The Letter from California Labor Federation to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education
Masayuki Ohara
Superintendent of the Office of Education
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office No. 2 Main Bldg., 2-8-1
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ward, Tokyo, ZIP code 163-8001, Japan
Dear Superintendent Ohara,
The California Labor Federation, representing more than two million unionized workers, supports Sister Nezu Kimiko, Sister Kawarai Junko, and the 410 other Japanese teachers organizing for peace and justice in Japanese schools.
We believe that all workers have an inherent right to exercise their freedom of expression on matters of conscience. Particularly at a time when millions of people are suffering from war and genocide and millions more struggle to survive, we think it is imperative that our teachers serve as models for the kind of humane and just society we want our children to inherit.
As the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation, I urge you to find a just and fair resolution to the situation faced by the above-mentioned teachers.
Thank you.
Art Pulaski
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Superintendent of the Office of Education
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office No. 2 Main Bldg., 2-8-1
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ward, Tokyo, ZIP code 163-8001, Japan
Dear Superintendent Ohara,
The California Labor Federation, representing more than two million unionized workers, supports Sister Nezu Kimiko, Sister Kawarai Junko, and the 410 other Japanese teachers organizing for peace and justice in Japanese schools.
We believe that all workers have an inherent right to exercise their freedom of expression on matters of conscience. Particularly at a time when millions of people are suffering from war and genocide and millions more struggle to survive, we think it is imperative that our teachers serve as models for the kind of humane and just society we want our children to inherit.
As the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation, I urge you to find a just and fair resolution to the situation faced by the above-mentioned teachers.
Thank you.
Art Pulaski
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
The Letter from California Labor Federation to Japan Teachers' Union
Yasuo Morikoshi
President, Japan Teachers' Union
Nihon Kyoiku Kaikan Bldg., 2-6-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ward
101-0003 Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Morikoshi,
The California Labor Federation supports Sister Nezu Kimiko, Sister Kawarai Junko, and the 410 other Japanese teachers organizing for peace and justice in Japanese schools.
At a time when millions of people are suffering from war and genocide and millions more struggle to survive, we think it is imperative that our teachers serve as models for the kind of humane and just society we want our children to inherit.
On behalf of the over two million working families we represent in California, I want you to know that our members stand with you in defense of your members and the right of all workers to exercise their freedom of expression on matters of conscience.
As you know, the Japanese Constitution includes Article 9, supporting a world of peace and a sustainable future. The California Labor Federation joins with your nation in this hope, and we will work here in America to diligently pursue peace in our lives and in the lives of our children.
Enclosed please find the letter I have sent to the Tokyo School Board urging them to find a just resolution to the challenge faced by your teachers.
In Unity,
Art Pulaski
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
President, Japan Teachers' Union
Nihon Kyoiku Kaikan Bldg., 2-6-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ward
101-0003 Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Morikoshi,
The California Labor Federation supports Sister Nezu Kimiko, Sister Kawarai Junko, and the 410 other Japanese teachers organizing for peace and justice in Japanese schools.
At a time when millions of people are suffering from war and genocide and millions more struggle to survive, we think it is imperative that our teachers serve as models for the kind of humane and just society we want our children to inherit.
On behalf of the over two million working families we represent in California, I want you to know that our members stand with you in defense of your members and the right of all workers to exercise their freedom of expression on matters of conscience.
As you know, the Japanese Constitution includes Article 9, supporting a world of peace and a sustainable future. The California Labor Federation joins with your nation in this hope, and we will work here in America to diligently pursue peace in our lives and in the lives of our children.
Enclosed please find the letter I have sent to the Tokyo School Board urging them to find a just resolution to the challenge faced by your teachers.
In Unity,
Art Pulaski
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
The Letter from California Labor Federation to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education
Tsutomu Kimura
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education The Board of Education
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office No. 2 Main Bldg., 2-8-1
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ward, Tokyo, ZIP code 163-8001, Japan
Dear Chairperson Kimura,
The California Labor Federation, representing more than two million unionized workers, supports Sister Nezu Kimiko, Sister Kawarai Junko, and the 410 other Japanese teachers organizing for peace and justice in Japanese schools.
We believe that all workers have an inherent right to exercise their freedom of expression on matters of conscience. Particularly at a time when millions of people are suffering from war and genocide and millions more struggle to survive, we think it is imperative that our teachers serve as models for the kind of humane and just society we want our children to inherit.
As the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation, I urge you to find a just and fair resolution to the situation faced by the above-mentioned teachers.
Thank you.
Art Pulaski
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education The Board of Education
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office No. 2 Main Bldg., 2-8-1
Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ward, Tokyo, ZIP code 163-8001, Japan
Dear Chairperson Kimura,
The California Labor Federation, representing more than two million unionized workers, supports Sister Nezu Kimiko, Sister Kawarai Junko, and the 410 other Japanese teachers organizing for peace and justice in Japanese schools.
We believe that all workers have an inherent right to exercise their freedom of expression on matters of conscience. Particularly at a time when millions of people are suffering from war and genocide and millions more struggle to survive, we think it is imperative that our teachers serve as models for the kind of humane and just society we want our children to inherit.
As the Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the California Labor Federation, I urge you to find a just and fair resolution to the situation faced by the above-mentioned teachers.
Thank you.
Art Pulaski
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Patriotism in Japanese schools breeds controversy
The following link is video by France 24.
"Singing the pre-World War II national anthem in schools is compulsory since a few years, but some parents and teachers worry about patriotism becoming nationalism."
In this video, Ms. Kimiko Nezu objects to militarism.
"Singing the pre-World War II national anthem in schools is compulsory since a few years, but some parents and teachers worry about patriotism becoming nationalism."
In this video, Ms. Kimiko Nezu objects to militarism.
Monday, March 31, 2008
On March 31, 2008, we have the VICTORY in our hands!
TMBE (Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education) issued the disciplinary notification to Ms. Nezu, that is "suspension for 6 months and job relocation".
This is really unjust and outrageous disciplinary action, however they could not FIRE Ms. Nezu as already announced.
This is a real proof of the power of international solidarity. Thank you so much for your heartfelt support!
Here is the link to the TBS news on April 1 compiled by members of Committee to Stop Firing of Nezu and Kawarai with English subtitles.
Here is a Japan Times article that covered the event on March 31st.
Here is a article by the staff of Peace Philosophy Centre on March 4th.
TMBE (Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education) issued the disciplinary notification to Ms. Nezu, that is "suspension for 6 months and job relocation".
This is really unjust and outrageous disciplinary action, however they could not FIRE Ms. Nezu as already announced.
This is a real proof of the power of international solidarity. Thank you so much for your heartfelt support!
Here is the link to the TBS news on April 1 compiled by members of Committee to Stop Firing of Nezu and Kawarai with English subtitles.
Here is a Japan Times article that covered the event on March 31st.
Here is a article by the staff of Peace Philosophy Centre on March 4th.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tokyo Teachers Sit For Peace at Graduation Ceremonies
A quick report from Tokyo -
Please visit followed site:
A quick report from Tokyo -
Please visit followed site:
Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Whole-Day Protest in front of the TMG.

Coallition Against Militarism in our Schools
Sisters and brothers in Japan, we are so honored to be with you in your fierce struggle as you oppose the symbols of militarism -Hinomaru and Kimigayo. You have not only endured attacks to your persons but have organized and mobilized the working people to speak out against the silencing of your freedom of conscience. You have taken your responsibility as teachers and models for your students seriously. We deeply appreciate you and all the students, teachers and working people who have joined you in this movement of resistance. The Japanese Teachers Union slogan "never send our students to war again" has taken on a new meaning for all of us. We thank you.
You have brought your struggles across the Pacific Ocean and touched our souls. Teachers and the working class in the United States applaud you in your courage and join you in spirit. We too, are opposing the militarism in our country, in our schools, in our budget- that influences every aspect of life in America. We are angry that 50,000 US troops are deployed around the islands of Japan, particularly in Okinawa where you are affected by the US military in every way-including crime, pollution, depleted uranium, rapes and the psychological and economical impact of these military bases on your land.
The movement for peace and justice in our world needs your voice to be strong and stand firm as you approach the March graduation ceremonies. You have chosen the hard way, but the way of peace and justice will prevail. As you mobilize in these actions, know that you are an inspiration to all of us. Gambatte!
In solidarity,
Arlene Inouye
Coalition Against Militarism in our Schools (CAMS)
United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA)

The reports with photograph in Japanese is here.
Coallition Against Militarism in our Schools
Sisters and brothers in Japan, we are so honored to be with you in your fierce struggle as you oppose the symbols of militarism -Hinomaru and Kimigayo. You have not only endured attacks to your persons but have organized and mobilized the working people to speak out against the silencing of your freedom of conscience. You have taken your responsibility as teachers and models for your students seriously. We deeply appreciate you and all the students, teachers and working people who have joined you in this movement of resistance. The Japanese Teachers Union slogan "never send our students to war again" has taken on a new meaning for all of us. We thank you.
You have brought your struggles across the Pacific Ocean and touched our souls. Teachers and the working class in the United States applaud you in your courage and join you in spirit. We too, are opposing the militarism in our country, in our schools, in our budget- that influences every aspect of life in America. We are angry that 50,000 US troops are deployed around the islands of Japan, particularly in Okinawa where you are affected by the US military in every way-including crime, pollution, depleted uranium, rapes and the psychological and economical impact of these military bases on your land.
The movement for peace and justice in our world needs your voice to be strong and stand firm as you approach the March graduation ceremonies. You have chosen the hard way, but the way of peace and justice will prevail. As you mobilize in these actions, know that you are an inspiration to all of us. Gambatte!
In solidarity,
Arlene Inouye
Coalition Against Militarism in our Schools (CAMS)
United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA)
The comments of On-line Petition
We would like to publish the comments of on-line petition as follows:
As an academic, educationist and author of school textbooks, I thoroughly support the Committee Stop Firing Nezu
Let's struggle together for the independence of teachers and free thinkers
That's incredible, i've forwarded to all organizations i belong to ! Anarchosyndicalists greetings !
Neo-nationalists and their conservative friends should think about the only way to promote the identity of the japanese nation is to educate their children properly, and this cannot be done without the knowledge that their nation, as any other, made mistakes in the past. Those mistakes cannot be forgiven with denial, but with acceptation and apologies, which should never be considered as a shame. May Ms Nezu, Ms Kawarai and the other teachers succeed !
Stop Firing of Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers
Un message de sympathie pour ces enseignants qui ont le courage de dire ce que beaucoup n'osent plus exprimer
only education can deliver us from all the violences, and this is its first role
Hold on! I hope you will win in the end!
I have slightly different interpretation on Hinomaru and Kimigayo from one shown above. However, I believe it is IMPORTANT to support people who is acing on their own belief. Also it is something 'un-nutural' that Board of Education holds such a power against individuals' thought and faith with ignoring the ruling of the Tokyo District Court.
Educational Institutions are neither platforms to foster nationalism nor to merely train workers. They are privileged places in and through which critical thought can exist and subsist. This is undoubteldy of benefit to any society. Why make schools into places in which people are forced to learn to stop thinking.
I support Ms. Kawarai and Ms. Nezu in their right of independent conscience and refusal of compulsory patriotism. They provide an important example for the teaching profession internationally. Prof. Joe Lockard English Department Arizona State University
I ask you to reconsider these harsh measures against people of good conscience.
Those who resist natilonalism should be applauded for their courage rather than punished. The disciplinary actions taken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education severely compromise the democratic ideals which should principally inform and be nurtured by educational institutions.
Academic freedom for ever.
Please stop this dismissal or any other punishment against education workers!
Please reconsider the decisions you have made about Ms Nezu and Ms Kawarai. In Canada, we consider that your requirements are not justified for a democratic society. In Canada, teachers are not required to praise the flag ir the national anthem.
Lest you may have forgotten these words of wisdom, let me refresh your memory. We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith. We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want. We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations. We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.
Ms Nezu is the best teacher you could have for your students. Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education: You should be enlightening minds, not depressing them. Board of Ed., shame on you. -Larry Duncan co-producer Labor Beat cable tv show, Chicago
Hello: I am a teacher in a lower class public big city school. I agree that discipline and standards are very important for students and teachers. However, I do not agree that teachers should give up freedom of choice to stand up and sing they do not wish too. Thank-you for considering this request.
Keep Peace! No Stupid Rule Is Needed. Hinamaru Flag Is Only A Tiny Simbol Kimigayo Is Only A Sleepy Song Everyboby Can Be Free From Foolish Custom
I support the freedom of thought and conscience.
This is very disturbing especially in a modern democratic society as advanced socially and economically as Japan. The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education should be held liable for the consequences for the harm done to the teachers and students.
Academic freedom is a cherished value of teachers and students in the United States. True education cannot exist when teachers and students do not have the freedom to act according to their principles. Good luck to educators and students in Japan and across the world who remain true to their ideals.
i agree with my colleagues--as teachers we must stand for freedom of thought and work towards a peaceable world.
Stand up for democracy and let people live their beliefs - this is most important if they differ from the the government!
These teachers deserve to be honoured for their stance against war and militarism and their advocacy for building a better and more peaceful world for future generations - not penalized! Shame on the Japanese Government for its treatment of these wonderful role models for our children!
Please respect the rights of Sister Nezu and the other teachers to follow their consciences.
I stand in solidarity with the teachers of Japan who are exercising their conscience by refusing to stand for the Hinormaru and Kimigayo.
Good luck to the brave professors.
No more thought control!
I lived in Japan for the last 20 years (until August 2007) and I became very alarmed at the increasing control of the government and the blatant suppression of dissent. People who are working actively to maintain democracy and freedom of speech in Japan should be supported by all freedom-lovers throughout the world. You are fighting our fight too! Ganbatte kudasai.
Please keep Nezu, Kawarai and employed. It is important for our children to get an education that includes compassion and understanding. I believe Nezu, Kawarai and other teachers should NOT be punished for not singing Kimigayo. If people want to sing this, they should be able to. If they don't want to, it should be their right not to. Allow teachers to teach our children tolerance and compassion. Best to you and yours,
The degree of freedom of thought and freedom from coercion allowed in education is one indication of the extent to which a society can be called a democracy.
I support Ms. Nezu and Mr. Kawai.
Please protect human rights.
This is an absolutely terrible thing to happen in Japan. Every individual has a right to choose if she/he wants to sing the national anthem or not. Japanese anthem, unlike those in many other countries, has a specific historic reason which makes many people uncomfortable to sing. How can we claim our country as one of the most democratic countries in Asia while the violation of its own constitution is going on. I feel very ashamed.
A Nation should change the anthem to suit current sentiment e.g. as Australia has done. Sensitivity to history, the peoples' mood,and diplomacy, are all considerations which suggest a change in the Japanese National Anthem. Furthermore punative actions demonstrate that democracy in Japan is immature and may cause lowered international standing amongst most developed nations.
I support Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers in their quest.
Good for these ladies for speaking out and remaining true to what is in their hearts. They are the embodiment of principles such as “freedom" and "democracy"--may they receive honor and respect rather than punishment!
Please honor the right of Ms. Nezu and other teachers to follow their conscience regarding the flag and national anthem.
I sign the petition of the Committee for Stop Firing of Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers. I am a french writer and I support the action of Ms NEZU Kimiko and Ms KAWARAI Junko. I support their fight to preserve constitutional, civil and human rights and absolute freedom to teach without standing up and singing Kimigayo. This is not a good for a democracy to fire and to persecute teachers for a flag or a national anthem, on political or religious bases : "glorification of the Emperor: "May His Majesty's reign continue for a thousand\ eight thousand generations" !! The imperial war is over and japan is not Chile isn't it ? Make free teachers means to make free new generations... Thank you
In international solidarity.
As a teacher and pacifist, I strongly support teachers Nezu and Kawarai and their colleagues who refuse to stand and sing Kimigayo. To help create a peaceful world, we must teach young people across the globe to examine and question the actions and beliefs of their governments.
Geetings and solidarity from the National Union of Teachers in Westminster. We admire your courage in resisting pressure to glorify imperial and war-like singing which aims to stir up divisions among people - and to indoctrinate children.
I would like to support the teachers.They should not be fired and they should return to work with full rights.The teachers brave stand is a shining light on injustice and bullying, by the board of education.You are making a stand for all teacher,children,and nationals who live,work and study schools.
Forcing people to stand for a national flag and anthem does not make them love their nation more. It has the opposite effect.
The mark of a civilised country is that it does not punish citizens for expressing views contrary to those of the government. I hope that penalties, imposed on teachers for staying seated while the Kimigayo was sung, will be withdrawn and that in future all Japanese will be allowed to express their views in such peaceful ways,
I have fond memories of living in Japan, and fond memories of the progressive Japanese teachers that I studied with in Canada. I learned so much from them, including the fight against standing up for the national anthem.
I applaud and supprt Nezu-sensei and Kawarai-sensei's brave struggle for peace. In addition, I am shocked by the official response. This is 2008, not 1938!
HOW can you punish them? Only a dictatorship punishes people for their peaceful political protests.
What are you teaching children, that patriotic obedience can be forced?
You cannot push a chain.
Do not embarass yourselves in the eyes of the world.
Please, respect free choice and a healthy discussion about nationalism, peace and history.
Kimigayo and the flag, Hinomaru, are symbols of Japan's wartime imperialism and militarism and thus should not be legislated as Japan's national anthem and national flag at all unless Japan is determined to maintain its imperial and militaristic ideology.
It'd be such a shame if any individual was going to be taken away freedom of expression. It is our right that no one should control.
As an academic, educationist and author of school textbooks, I thoroughly support the Committee Stop Firing Nezu
Let's struggle together for the independence of teachers and free thinkers
That's incredible, i've forwarded to all organizations i belong to ! Anarchosyndicalists greetings !
Neo-nationalists and their conservative friends should think about the only way to promote the identity of the japanese nation is to educate their children properly, and this cannot be done without the knowledge that their nation, as any other, made mistakes in the past. Those mistakes cannot be forgiven with denial, but with acceptation and apologies, which should never be considered as a shame. May Ms Nezu, Ms Kawarai and the other teachers succeed !
Stop Firing of Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers
Un message de sympathie pour ces enseignants qui ont le courage de dire ce que beaucoup n'osent plus exprimer
only education can deliver us from all the violences, and this is its first role
Hold on! I hope you will win in the end!
I have slightly different interpretation on Hinomaru and Kimigayo from one shown above. However, I believe it is IMPORTANT to support people who is acing on their own belief. Also it is something 'un-nutural' that Board of Education holds such a power against individuals' thought and faith with ignoring the ruling of the Tokyo District Court.
Educational Institutions are neither platforms to foster nationalism nor to merely train workers. They are privileged places in and through which critical thought can exist and subsist. This is undoubteldy of benefit to any society. Why make schools into places in which people are forced to learn to stop thinking.
I support Ms. Kawarai and Ms. Nezu in their right of independent conscience and refusal of compulsory patriotism. They provide an important example for the teaching profession internationally. Prof. Joe Lockard English Department Arizona State University
I ask you to reconsider these harsh measures against people of good conscience.
Those who resist natilonalism should be applauded for their courage rather than punished. The disciplinary actions taken by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education severely compromise the democratic ideals which should principally inform and be nurtured by educational institutions.
Academic freedom for ever.
Please stop this dismissal or any other punishment against education workers!
Please reconsider the decisions you have made about Ms Nezu and Ms Kawarai. In Canada, we consider that your requirements are not justified for a democratic society. In Canada, teachers are not required to praise the flag ir the national anthem.
Lest you may have forgotten these words of wisdom, let me refresh your memory. We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution. Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people. This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded. We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith. We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want. We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations. We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources.
Ms Nezu is the best teacher you could have for your students. Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education: You should be enlightening minds, not depressing them. Board of Ed., shame on you. -Larry Duncan co-producer Labor Beat cable tv show, Chicago
Hello: I am a teacher in a lower class public big city school. I agree that discipline and standards are very important for students and teachers. However, I do not agree that teachers should give up freedom of choice to stand up and sing they do not wish too. Thank-you for considering this request.
Keep Peace! No Stupid Rule Is Needed. Hinamaru Flag Is Only A Tiny Simbol Kimigayo Is Only A Sleepy Song Everyboby Can Be Free From Foolish Custom
I support the freedom of thought and conscience.
This is very disturbing especially in a modern democratic society as advanced socially and economically as Japan. The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education should be held liable for the consequences for the harm done to the teachers and students.
Academic freedom is a cherished value of teachers and students in the United States. True education cannot exist when teachers and students do not have the freedom to act according to their principles. Good luck to educators and students in Japan and across the world who remain true to their ideals.
i agree with my colleagues--as teachers we must stand for freedom of thought and work towards a peaceable world.
Stand up for democracy and let people live their beliefs - this is most important if they differ from the the government!
These teachers deserve to be honoured for their stance against war and militarism and their advocacy for building a better and more peaceful world for future generations - not penalized! Shame on the Japanese Government for its treatment of these wonderful role models for our children!
Please respect the rights of Sister Nezu and the other teachers to follow their consciences.
I stand in solidarity with the teachers of Japan who are exercising their conscience by refusing to stand for the Hinormaru and Kimigayo.
Good luck to the brave professors.
No more thought control!
I lived in Japan for the last 20 years (until August 2007) and I became very alarmed at the increasing control of the government and the blatant suppression of dissent. People who are working actively to maintain democracy and freedom of speech in Japan should be supported by all freedom-lovers throughout the world. You are fighting our fight too! Ganbatte kudasai.
Please keep Nezu, Kawarai and employed. It is important for our children to get an education that includes compassion and understanding. I believe Nezu, Kawarai and other teachers should NOT be punished for not singing Kimigayo. If people want to sing this, they should be able to. If they don't want to, it should be their right not to. Allow teachers to teach our children tolerance and compassion. Best to you and yours,
The degree of freedom of thought and freedom from coercion allowed in education is one indication of the extent to which a society can be called a democracy.
I support Ms. Nezu and Mr. Kawai.
Please protect human rights.
This is an absolutely terrible thing to happen in Japan. Every individual has a right to choose if she/he wants to sing the national anthem or not. Japanese anthem, unlike those in many other countries, has a specific historic reason which makes many people uncomfortable to sing. How can we claim our country as one of the most democratic countries in Asia while the violation of its own constitution is going on. I feel very ashamed.
A Nation should change the anthem to suit current sentiment e.g. as Australia has done. Sensitivity to history, the peoples' mood,and diplomacy, are all considerations which suggest a change in the Japanese National Anthem. Furthermore punative actions demonstrate that democracy in Japan is immature and may cause lowered international standing amongst most developed nations.
I support Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers in their quest.
Good for these ladies for speaking out and remaining true to what is in their hearts. They are the embodiment of principles such as “freedom" and "democracy"--may they receive honor and respect rather than punishment!
Please honor the right of Ms. Nezu and other teachers to follow their conscience regarding the flag and national anthem.
I sign the petition of the Committee for Stop Firing of Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers. I am a french writer and I support the action of Ms NEZU Kimiko and Ms KAWARAI Junko. I support their fight to preserve constitutional, civil and human rights and absolute freedom to teach without standing up and singing Kimigayo. This is not a good for a democracy to fire and to persecute teachers for a flag or a national anthem, on political or religious bases : "glorification of the Emperor: "May His Majesty's reign continue for a thousand\ eight thousand generations" !! The imperial war is over and japan is not Chile isn't it ? Make free teachers means to make free new generations... Thank you
In international solidarity.
As a teacher and pacifist, I strongly support teachers Nezu and Kawarai and their colleagues who refuse to stand and sing Kimigayo. To help create a peaceful world, we must teach young people across the globe to examine and question the actions and beliefs of their governments.
Geetings and solidarity from the National Union of Teachers in Westminster. We admire your courage in resisting pressure to glorify imperial and war-like singing which aims to stir up divisions among people - and to indoctrinate children.
I would like to support the teachers.They should not be fired and they should return to work with full rights.The teachers brave stand is a shining light on injustice and bullying, by the board of education.You are making a stand for all teacher,children,and nationals who live,work and study schools.
Forcing people to stand for a national flag and anthem does not make them love their nation more. It has the opposite effect.
The mark of a civilised country is that it does not punish citizens for expressing views contrary to those of the government. I hope that penalties, imposed on teachers for staying seated while the Kimigayo was sung, will be withdrawn and that in future all Japanese will be allowed to express their views in such peaceful ways,
I have fond memories of living in Japan, and fond memories of the progressive Japanese teachers that I studied with in Canada. I learned so much from them, including the fight against standing up for the national anthem.
I applaud and supprt Nezu-sensei and Kawarai-sensei's brave struggle for peace. In addition, I am shocked by the official response. This is 2008, not 1938!
HOW can you punish them? Only a dictatorship punishes people for their peaceful political protests.
What are you teaching children, that patriotic obedience can be forced?
You cannot push a chain.
Do not embarass yourselves in the eyes of the world.
Please, respect free choice and a healthy discussion about nationalism, peace and history.
Kimigayo and the flag, Hinomaru, are symbols of Japan's wartime imperialism and militarism and thus should not be legislated as Japan's national anthem and national flag at all unless Japan is determined to maintain its imperial and militaristic ideology.
It'd be such a shame if any individual was going to be taken away freedom of expression. It is our right that no one should control.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Opinion Ad

We've run the attached opinion ad in morning edition of the Asahi distributed nationally on March 2.
"What? Be fired, when not singing!? When you feel joyful, happy or sad, you sing a song from the heart. How can it be, it's coerced to sing, not only that, you be fired if you refuse to sing?"

We've run the attached opinion ad in morning edition of the Asahi distributed nationally on March 2.
"What? Be fired, when not singing!? When you feel joyful, happy or sad, you sing a song from the heart. How can it be, it's coerced to sing, not only that, you be fired if you refuse to sing?"
Report by Kimiko Nezu on her visits to Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education, February 1st to 14th, 2008

On February 1, 2008, I was summoned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education on account of my wearing a pullover with "OBJECTION HINOMARU KIMIGAYO" printed on it, which they alleged was an offence of not obeying the administrative order issued by the principal of my school as well as a violation of the Duty of Concentrating on the Job. The Board claimed that the interview would be in regard to the "incident" reported by the principal of Minamiosawa Gakuen School for Children with Special Needs in October, 2007. I had many questions during the interview, but the interviewer, Mr. Takahashi, the Chief Managing Officer, kept repeating, "The interview is not an occasion for you to ask questions. I am not in the position of answering them." And so on February 7, I faxed to him written inquiries open to the public. On February 8, I took the inquiries to the Board in person.
On February 12, I received the answer from them. It said, "We are unable to answer any of your questions. That is the answer." This was the response from the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education that never fails to insist on the accountability of its teachers!
Anticipating that at the behind-the-curtain meeting of the regular Board Meeting scheduled on Thursday, February 14, the issue of my punishment would be suggested to be included in the agenda, we organized ourselves (I myself and members of the Committee to Stop Firing of Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers) to make appeals to the Board for three consecutive days, starting in the evening of the 12th.
The content of the appeals were as follows: "I am not aware of ever receiving an administrative order from the principal. Nonetheless, is it still to be understood by you and me as an administrative order? As I wear the pullover in question, I engage myself in the job wholeheartedly without ever being distracted. The principal, who claims my wearing the pullover to be a violation of the Duty of Concentrating on the Job, has been regularly witnessed by many of his staff to be dozing off at his desk. Shouldn't this behavior of his be understood as a violation of the Duty of Concentrating on the Job? When the report made by the principal and my understanding of the 'incident' diverge, we cannot expect any fair and appropriate judgment to be made. Therefore, I first ask you to answer my open inquiries."
In the early morning on February 13, we handed out flyers of appeals and explained our issues by loud speakers in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building (where the Board of Education is housed). Then we headed to the Employee Issues Section, Department of Personnel, and made following requests: "We ask you to at least answer inquiries Ms. Nezu has presented," and "We ask to see Mr. Takahashi, the Chief Managing Officer." While we were making these requests, the plaintiffs of the law suit regarding the Board's refusal to give the retired teachers new appointments arrived, asking to see the Head of the Appointment Selection Section. Overwhelmed by our collective presence, the Head of the Personnel Planning Section resorted to issuing a warning three times.
He read the warning: "It is five minutes past one, and this is the third warning. If this warning was not heard, we will call the police." By calling out the name of myself and Mr. M, a plaintiff of the above-mentioned suit, he issued an "order of departure."
We decided to leave. After having a late lunch, we headed to the Employee Issues Section again. There we saw the Head of the Appointment Section being placed at the front line, and the word "holiday" printed on his vest caught my attention. I asked him several times whether wearing the vest with the word "holiday" printed on it constituted a violation of the Duty of Concentrating on the Job. But there was no answer coming from him. The next day we paid a visit to the same Section, he was not wearing the vest in question. We wondered if that was simply a happenstance.
I had been asking them to see Mr. Takahashi, the Chief Managing Officer, before they decided on a punishment to be imposed on me. The Head of the Appointment Section and the Head of the Public Service Section came out to see me, and they were initially saying: "He won't be able to see you today." In response I told them I would be prepared to see him even in the middle of the night or in the early morning, but this was what they said, quite unconcernedly: "Mr. Takahashi, the Chief Managing Officer, will not see you today, tomorrow, or any time in the future. This is the decision we as the Board of Education have made."
If that was what they insisted, next step was to see Superintendent whose job included, we assumed, answering my inquiries. We headed to the 30th floor where the Superintendent Office was located. There we found strict guard against us. Obviously, they thought we deserved it. Nonetheless, we started to repeat out requests.
On the 14th, there were at least 10 guards that I could see and count. They included not only the guards that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government hired but also the Security Police Officers. When we asked through a microphone, "Please, Security Police Officers, do not videotape us," they immediately put away their video cameras. That was why we were sure they were from the Security Police. Following the early-morning distribution of flyers of appeals, we attended the regular Board of Education meeting in large numbers. After that, we made our requests over and over again, even though it might seem futile. The government staff were acting and reacting as if they were Adolf Otto Eichmanns, but as we repeated our request, we hoped that our appeals strike home with even one of them. When I could see that our words touched someone, I felt relieved. Otherwise, all we could see were Eichmanns thrown at the front line.
Anybody who did not do what the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education told them to do were to be expelled. This applied not only to teachers but also to any Tokyoite. That was the message thrown at us from the beginning to the end. Mr. T., my former student, said: "So, we are all dispensable Tokyoite!"
I was supported by so many people day in and day out. On February 12th, 30 people showed up to give their support. On 13th, approximately 100 people did. On 14th, when the regular Board meeting was held, as many as 120 people came out to support me and to express their serious concerns toward the way the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education had been functioning.
Ms. T, Ms. T, who came from all the way from Hiroshima and Osaka to show their support, thank you very much. Two of my former students from my last year at Ishikawa Junior High School showed up and they gave me tremendous energy.
While we were making our requests on the 27th and 30th floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, outside there were people encircling the Building to show their support. The members of the Committee to Stop Firing of Nezu, Kawarai and Other Teachers were explaining our issues to the public and asking for their support in two different locations by the Building.
I heard that there were people who gave us monetary support on 13th and 14th. As I saw the bills they had left for us and thought of their expression of support, I felt my fatigue just got blown away.
Let me share with you two happy incidents:
(1) One of my former student from my early years at Ishikawa Junior High School came to Tokyo Metropolitan Government in order to renew her driver's license. As she approached the Building she heard the name "Kimiko Nezu" being mentioned by a speaker talking through a microphone. She asked what was happening, and she came up to the 30th floor to say hi to me and to show her support.
(2) I was given a present by a person working at Tokyo Metropolitan Government. "Why me?" I asked, and she replied, "Because you are fighting for your cause." She probably was aware of and sympathetic toward our morning appeals. We suspect there must be many people working at the Government who share her sentiment.
The issue of my punishment was not discussed at the regular Board meeting on February 14th. We think it will likely be discussed at the next regular Board meeting scheduled on February 21st. In order not to allow them to decide on a punishment that leads to my dismissal, we are planning to organize ourselves on February 20th and 21st as follows.
We welcome your support!
Please Join an Urgent Phoning and Letter-Sending Campaign
We need your help urgently! The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education is attempting to fire Ms. Kimiko Nezu before waiting for school graduation ceremonies to be held in March, 2008. They have decided that the message printed on the clothes Ms. Nezu wears at work, which reads "OBJECTION HINOMARU KIMIGAYO," requires an administrative order that Ms. Nezu take off that particular article of clothing.. Since Ms. Neze does not believe such an order can even be recognized as an administrative order, and even if it is, she does not believe such an order can stand on justifiable grounds, she has no intention of obeying it. This can give the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education an excuse to discipline her, and, given the cumulative punishment already imposed on her, the next disciplinary action could well mean her dismissal from teaching profession altogether.
We see this as a preemptive strike by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education before our ever growing support for Ms. Nezu becomes too powerful to ignore.WE NEED YOUR HELP RIGHT NOW. Please consider phoning the following individuals and express your concerns directly to them. Please also send the postcards explained above with additional comments expressing your concerns and support for Ms. Nezu.
Names and phone numbers of the individuals in question:
1 Person in charge of hearing public complaint
Educational Information Section, General Affairs Department
The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
Phone: +81 (country code of Japan)-3-5320-6733
Fax: +81 (country code of Japan)-3-5388-1726
2 Person in charge of disciplinary action
The Public Service Division, Personnel Department
The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
Phone: +81 (country code of Japan)-3-5320-6792
3 Mr. Yuzo Ozaki, Principal
Minamiosawa Gakuen School for Children with Special Needs
Phone: +81(country code of Japan)-42-675-6075
Thank you very much for your support.
Citizen Volunteers from the Committee to Stop the Firing of Nezu, Kawarai, and Other Teachers.
We see this as a preemptive strike by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education before our ever growing support for Ms. Nezu becomes too powerful to ignore.
Names and phone numbers of the individuals in question:
1 Person in charge of hearing public complaint
Educational Information Section, General Affairs Department
The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
Phone: +81 (country code of Japan)-3-5320-6733
Fax: +81 (country code of Japan)-3-5388-1726
2 Person in charge of disciplinary action
The Public Service Division, Personnel Department
The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education
Phone: +81 (country code of Japan)-3-5320-6792
3 Mr. Yuzo Ozaki, Principal
Minamiosawa Gakuen School for Children with Special Needs
Phone: +81(country code of Japan)-42-675-6075
Thank you very much for your support.
Citizen Volunteers from the Committee to Stop the Firing of Nezu, Kawarai, and Other Teachers.
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